The Summer of Adventure

A few weeks ago, I read this post from MOPS: Make 2015 the Summer of Something. There was something I loved about the idea of naming and claiming this new season. There was also something about it that made me feel uneasy.

I was excited at the possibilities for this summer. This is our first full summer in our new home. Our first summer living closer to family and friends, new and old. This is also a summer filled with trips. We usually only take one vacation each summer (if you follow me on Instagram, you already know we are on that trip right now).

Though I was initially intrigued at the idea of setting a goal for the summer, I was hesitant. I didn’t want to add to a season that already makes me a little nervous. Everyone will be home from school. While this is great, it also means that everyone will be around each other.all.the.time. I’m excited for the fun and hesitant for the bickering that will happen. Boy-Child qualified for extended school year, but we chose to opt out of it. Since he will not be in school, I need to make sure to be helping him grow and not lose skills. Add to everything else, I want to be working with Man-Child and Goose on school basics.

Did I want to add one more thing? 

I mean, I know I want to have fun. I want to get some learning in. I want to enjoy rest. I want to have great trips. So can I do it all?

In case you haven’t noticed, I like to set lofty goals. I prefer crazy timelines and work best under pressure. It isn’t the most healthy way to work and it isn’t something I want my littles to learn.

So I have decided to claim this summer. I decided to intentionally set attainable summer goals. And if they are not achieved, because, well, life. That is okay. And it really is. This summer isn’t about achieving my goals perfectly. This summer is about saying yes. It is about stepping out, into something that is uncomfortable. And bravely showing my littles that goals can be set. And if those goals are not met, I will choose to learn from it. I will choose to try again.

Setting a goal for our  summer can teach my children to live intentionally. And if we fail, to fail gracefully. 


So what is this summer going to stand for? 

I toyed with a few ideas, and landed on the Summer of Adventure. We have a few trips lined up this summer, and most of them are firsts. I also believe that life is an adventure. A journey.

I believe that we can find adventure in those everyday experiences. I want to intentionally live in these “backyard adventures” this summer. I want to soak up the walks, picnics, playing with neighbors…the intentional living in community. I will add “medium adventures,” like trips to the arboretum, zoo, library, museums…and sprinkle in a few vacations.

By the end of the summer, as we prepare for a new school year, I know we will be able to look back on this summer and call it the THE SUMMER OF ADVENTURE.

What will your summer be the summer of? I would love to hear in the comments! 

This post is part of the Friday Favorites link up with: Andrea at Momfessionals, Narci at Grace and Love Blog, & Erika at A Little Bit of Everything Blog

17 thoughts on “The Summer of Adventure

  1. I love this! Teaching your kids to see the adventure in the everyday and in the bigger adventures is such a wonderful thing that will always serve them well. I think this summer we are doing something similar… We don’t have too much going on but I’m trying to think of ways to find the fun in the little things and the mundane. Very similar to what you said. Nothing grand, just keeping the perspective that ordinary activities can be great adventures if we think of them that way and look for the fun. Have a great weekend!


  2. I’m looking forward to watching your Summer of Adventure unfold. We have no traditional summer vacation planned this year, so ours will be simple….maybe I should declare it the Simple Summer. 😊


  3. Love that you have a theme. We aren’t sure how long we will be here (and if we will have another baby next year) so this is our summer of Colorado! We’ve got camping trips and getaways most weekends and are trying to soak up this beautiful place.


  4. My summer is working and saving for an apartment that I’ll be moving into in August. I’m doing my best to add in fun days too though. My adventure will be here in the fall with a road trip to Disney World


  5. Pingback: June: Celebrating Grace | Grace Mountain Diaries

  6. Pingback: The Secret of the Backyard Adventures | Grace Mountain Diaries

  7. Pingback: Summer of Adventure: A Look Back | Grace Mountain Diaries

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